The Brownfield Lady Cubs powerlifting team had 10 lifters qualify for the Regional Meet at Shamrock High School on Saturday, March 5. Head Coach Jacob Perez and his assistant Coach Ruiz congratulated the girls for qualifying. See POWERLIFTING
Read moreThe Parks Board of the City of Brownfield held its second ever meeting and first since 2016 on Tuesday, February 15. Cat Gonzalez, chairman of the board, opened the meeting when he had a quorum present with Scott Jack son, Justin Hesse, and Kelly Burris. The only member missing was Vice-Chairman Aarrhon Flores. The board met to discuss the cosmetic updates to the pool and the slides, the Brownfield Sports Complex facilities utilization agreement with Terry County Youth Sports, use of the facilities for private softball and/or baseball tournaments and single game usage policies, regulations, and contract, and the expansion of Coleman RV Park.
Read moreJoint Elections Administrator Krystal Valentin sent out the list of candidates who filed for the upcoming May 1st General Election, which is for the cities, schools, and political subdivision which includes water district and hospital. There are three contested races: Brownfield ISD At Large trustee incumbent Edgar Rivera Jr. is being challenged by Matthew Valdonado, City of Wellman council member incumbent Maria Fraire is being challenged by C.J Campos and Chase Fleming, and Meadow ISD trustee incumbent Scott Caswell is being challenged by J’Bob Jowers and Christopher Castilleja. She pointed out there are three open positions: Brownfield Regional Medical Center has two open spots, Brownfield ISD District 1 and City of Wellman have an open spot. The deadline for filing for a spot was on Friday and the deadline for write-in was Tuesday, February 22. Valentin explained what would happen if those positions are left open after the deadline. “If there is just one in Brownfield ISD and City of Wellman they can appoint someone after the election period is over. When they do their other paperwork, they can appoint someone if they choose too, the board will,” she said. “As far as the hospital, it just depends on their by-laws. I’m trying to get in with some paperwork, I have reached out to Evan Palmer who is Brad Moore the previous attorney’s secretary. Once we get the paperwork and see exactly what their by-laws state and how their election is ran in detail, then we will know where to go from there.”
Read moreFor the past two weeks the Parks and Recreation and Street employees have been working on cleaning up the tension basin located in-between East Lake Street and Grace Street. Parks and Recreation Director Scott Jackson spoke on how the project came to pass. “The deal was the park of the tension basin had been overgrown for several years. We had been looking at that to do some clean up anyways,” he said. “We had an opportunity when things were slow, we took the opportunity to go down there with some machinery, chainsaws to cut all that back so you can travel through there and not feel like someone is going to jump out the bushes and kill you. We also cleaned up a bunch of the garbage and trash that washed down into the tension basin, which had been there for years. We constructed that bridge not for ascetics but for safety. Now that it is cleaned up there will be people once they find out it has been cleaned up traveling through there. So we wanted to make sure they had a safe place to travel over that 15 foot ravine that is there. That is why we did that.”
Read moreFebruary is Black History Month – and among the many great achievements to celebrate are those of Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller.
Read moreFor the past two weeks the Parks and Recreation and Street workers have been working on cleaning up the tension basin located in-between East Lake Street and Grace Street.
Read moreOn Thursday and Friday the High School will be moving into the new building according to Superintendent Chris Smith. All other campuses will have regular school days.
Read moreI chose color #39 at my last visit to the nail salon last month. That’s a dark shade of maroon. And, as it turns out, here in West Texas, I followed a seasonal trend.
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