Commissioner Court, Pct. 4 candidate Richard Cavazos, left, is congratulated by Commissioner, Pct. 3 representative Martin Lefevere after the unofficial election day results showed Cavazos defeating incumbent Kirby Keesse, 192-190. Cavazos and Keesee are awaiting for the official results after the canvas on Thursday, March 10. For more on Primary Election results see
Read moreVoters and candidates were all present at the Brownfield Court House attentively looking at the monitor in the hallway.
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New BISD SRO Police Vehicles ente
Read moreOn Thursday morning, the first group of the Brownfield High teachers met in the commons of the new campus for orientation and to begin moving their stuff into their classrooms. Dr. Gionet Cooper and Superintendent Chris Smith spoke to the teachers explaining the new details for the classrooms, letting them know what they can and cannot do in the classroom, and going over schedules for the moving during the weekend. They also explained that during the time they are moving their stuff, they will still see workers on campus doing the final touches but they will not be there when students are on campus. Smith took some time to speak on seeing the teachers move into the new school.
Read moreThe Brownfield Police Department was recently recognized at a Violent Crime Against Children program, presented by The Federal Bureau of Investigation Dallas Division. Several FBI Senior Leadership spoke during the program. During the reception, 15 surrounding agencies including Brownfield Police Department were recognized and given awards for their invaluable contributions to violent crime against children. There were six individual investigations highlighted during the reception. Also, more than 80 crimes against children’s cases in the years 2019 through 2021 were prosecuted in the West Texas area. They received combined sentencing of 270 years in federal prison. Brownfield Police Detective Stephen Ramon was individually recognized for a 2019 case. This case was one of the highlighted cases. The Brownfield Police Dept. and FBI office out of Lubbock continues to work jointly on similar cases like these. Chief Serbantez expressed his appreciation to FBI Special Agent Keith Quigley and Detective Stephen Ramon for their diligent work.
Read moreWhen I had my first child in 2012, one of my coworkers welcomed me back from maternity leave. She asked me “How does it feel to be a mom?!?” I had a hard time answering that question, because the truth was, I felt euphoric, and life felt surreal. It was difficult to express my feelings because they were so grand and magical – I truly felt on could nine and like I had and COULD accomplish anything in the world. I literally had no clue how I functioned before my baby was born – she filled my heart with joy.
Read moreThe Primary Election happens on Tuesday for Terry County voters who did not vote during early voting or by mail. The Primary Election will follow polling place policies and not be done completely at the Elections office as early voting has done. The voting will still be done with the same voting machines and counting machines used during early voting. Joint Elections Administrator Krystal Valentin spoke on what voters need to vote and how they can find out where they can cast their ballots.
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