Brownfield’s Janna Forbes, has become the first LeadOn graduate from the State of Texas to participate and graduate from the program. The American Pistachio Growers (APG) Leadership Program, known as LeadOn, is a year-long program designed to provide a unique experience, consisting of industry education seminars and leadership training led by APG and industry leaders. The goal of the program is for participants to graduate with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to provide capable pistachio industry leaders in the future. The program provides a well-rounded education in the American pistachio industry, enhanced understanding of issues facing the industry today and in the future. In addition, LeadOn also provides participants with a wide range of professional contacts within the industry. And, many LeadOn graduates have been elected to APG’s Board of Directors. Highlights of the program include: State and Federal legislative presentation by APG’s lobbying firms, Water Issues—understanding the political and legislative issues surrounding water, Legislative visit to California’s State Capitol—meeting with legislators and regulatory officials, Leadership presentation—what style do you posses and how to effectively implement it, Hands-on pistachio orchard tour with Bob Beede, University of California Cooperative Extension, Food Safety, and its importance in food production and APG Nutrition and Marketing programs—why are they necessary and what do they do. Janna and her husband Klint own Tex-Achio’s pistachio orchard here in Terry County.
Read moreTerry County Retired Education Professionals met on Tuesday, March 7; President Judy Kennedy called the meeting to order at 11 a.m. After the invocation, pledges to the American and Texas flag, the unanimous approval of both the minutes and the treasurer’s report, Michelle Cooper, the major educator for the South Plains Underground Water Conservation District (Terry, Yoakum, and Gaines counties) gave a program on the ABC’s of xeriscaping. It was eye-opening, inspiring, and quite relevant, considering the state of our drought-stricken yards. Her rousing PowerPoint presentation focused on the seven principles of xeriscaping and included pictures of existing xeriscapes, one of which is at the UWCD office. Handouts included a booklet featuring water wise plants and a leaflet about rainwater harvesting. The UWCD has these available at their office at 802 Tahoka Road.
Read moreThe Brownfield Lady Cubs powerlifting team had one goal in mind and that was to dominate, and they did exactly that as they won the meet as a team and are sending many kids to the state meet.
Read moreDo you feel lucky? As part of 806 K9’s Lucky Dog Fundraiser, you can make a dog’s day by purchasing a shamrock at Terry County Veterinary Hospital between now and March 18.
Read moreAubree Valenzuela- 1st in 181 Class
Read moreThe Bible says, “The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25). The word strategydescribes a plan, method, or series of maneuvers for obtaining a specific goal or result. It’s also a military term defining the war techniques in planning and directing large operations.
Read moreThe Brownfield Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting on Tuesday morning for The BBQ Barn
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