I never knew my grandparents on my mother's side, nor some of her older siblings. They were deceased before I was born. Uncle Andy Williams was one of two of mom's brothers whom I got to know well. I kind of looked up to Uncle Andy as a hero because he fought in World War I, called the First World War, the Great War, and called, The War To End all Wars. He was probably the only WWI veteran I ever knew personally, and he was willing to talk about his days in the U.S. Army back then, in 1914 to 1918. He had lots of stories to tell. Andy Williams was born in 1888. He was not a very big man, but he stood high in this nephew's eyes. He was a couple of inches short of six feet tall and probably weighed about 160 pounds. He had a thick mat of long, unkempt, iron grey hair. Giving him the look of an Australian aborigine or somewhat like the professor in the "Back to the future" movie. His was a rugged, manly guy with the look of a person used to being outdoors.
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Read moreHave you ever had this happen to you? You start out to do a good deed, a deed of kindness but things don’t go as you had planned. Your first attempt messes up, and then you try to fix it. You have to make a second attempt, and then another and another, and you end up doing something you hadn’t intended to do and causing the opposite result for which you intended.
Read moreValentine’s Day is less than two weeks away, and some couples are probably already making plans for the big day. One year I created a post asking readers to retell their favorite love story or write about couples who seemed to be the perfect sweethearts. This year, two extraordinary people came to mind, a pair who I now realize had the greatest love of all, my parents.
Read moreIt’s an honor to take over writing “Capital Highlights” from two capable predecessors, Chris Cobler and Ed Sterling. They are tough acts to follow, but I’ll do my best.
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