A celebration was held outside of Dr. Riley’s office for the community to celebrate her 10th year anniversary in Brownfield.
Read moreOutstanding (Subjects) Awards
Read moreSpecial session coming this fall
Read moreLeft to Right: Erasmo Gonzales and Cat Gonzalez, representatives of Noons Lions Club, work on making pancakes for the Pancake Breakfast thrown by the Brownfield Noon Lions. The pancake breakfast was held at the Coleman Park Amphitheater on Saturday, May 22 starting at 8 a.m. Noon Lions’ 2021 Harvest Festival Queen candidate Gabby Gonzalez greeted those who attended the pancake breakfast. Channing Floyd enjoying the pancake breakfast.
Read moreFor the first quarter of 2021, the state has seen unemployment stay steady until April when it dropped to 6.3 percent, a full one percent decrease from January. In the first three months of the year, the not adjusted unemployment rate has been in the seven percent range with the highest being 7.5 percent in February. April is the first time unemployment has dropped below seven percent.
Read moreOver the weekend, Brownfield and Terry County saw more rainfall to help with the current drought. The Texas Water Development Board released a weekly water report from May 10, that shows Terry County is at D3 drought level of extreme with the upper west corner at D4 drought level of exceptional and the lower eastern portion at D2 of severe. TWDB stated the rain in April has been beneficial as it has begun a cumulative positive impact on the landscape.
Read moreAfter taking a week off, the Terry County Commissioners Court came together to hold its first meeting of the month. The court approved the minutes of their last meeting on April 26 and approved paying the county bills.
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