Brian Brisendine, former Bidcorp Director and Brownfield local, who was arrested for child pornography in January is now ordered to surrender to the U.S. Marshalls on May 9th at the Lubbock Courthouse. He was previously on pretrial release, then he pleaded guilty to receipt and distribution of child pornography, and the judge ordered him to jail. His sentencing will be determined on July 28th at the Lubbock Courthouse by Judge James Hendrix.
Read moreSouth Plains Water Conservation is bringing awareness to the benefits of rainwater harvesting during its Rainwater Harvesting Awareness Week. To bring awareness South Plains Water Conservation parked a trailer filled with interactive, educational, and visual representations of water use and function both in the earth and the home. People were able to go inside the trailer and receive a tour, learning about water use in the area. The trailer included a water pump for kids to play with, a rainwater harvesting miniature display that visually demonstrated water tanks filling, a representation of a home with information regarding how much water each room would typically use, and an accurate model of an aquifer. The aquifer model included the correct soil and rock layers within the ground for this area. The model could also simulate rainfall and be filled with actual water. Pumps of varying depths could also be used on the model. The trailer was filled with interactive information that would be fun for a child, but there was also technical information that could benefit an adult wanting to learn about water use and conservation.
Read moreThe Terry County Commissioners and the Brownfield City Council proclaimed the week of May 15th- 21st Local Law Enforcement Appreciation Week. The Proclamation read, “it is important that all citizens know and understand the duties, responsibilities, hazards, and sacrifices of their law enforcement agencies, and that members of our law enforcement agencies recognize their duty to serve the people by safeguarding life and property, protecting them against violence and disorder, and by protecting the innocent against deception and the weak against oppression.” The Proclamation communicated Terry County’s appreciation for local Law Enforcement, and the risks they take to keep the community safe. Visit to view the full video of the proclamation being read and signed by Mayor Hesse and County Judge Wagner.
Read moreThe community unified outside the courthouse to pray for common goals, a better future, and for a virtuous and healthy society on National Day of Prayer, May 5th. Angie Garza, opened the event saying, “right now we do need it (prayer). Our country needs a lot of prayer, a lot, and our community.” This year’s prayer theme, determined by the National Prayer Task Force was Colossians 2:6-7, “exalt the Lord who has established us.” So the prayers focused on praising and accrediting God. After the prayers people enjoyed a meal, chili-dogs, chips, and cookies were provided by the courthouse.
Read moreA situation from a scifi movie is coming true. Facebook and many other social media platforms are infested with “bots” and troll farms. A troll farm, according to lawyers on , is an “organized and institutionalized group that actively interferes with political discourse and decisionmaking processes. A troll farm contains an army of cyber users who gaslight, twist and fabricate the facts on the internet. Today, troll farms can alter the entire political landscape and shield politicians or organizations from legislative ac tion.” Those “cyber users” can and often are “bots,” short for robots. According to a bot is a software program that operates on the Internet and performs repetitive tasks. The astonishing frequency with which bots and troll farms are being reported is prompting concerns that have never before existed.
Read moreMonday, May 9th: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Carrots, Dessert, Biscuits
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