The USDA announced it will begin providing additional, automatic financial assistance for qualifying guaranteed Farm Loan Programs (FLP) borrowers who are facing financial risk. The announcement is part of the $3.1 billion to help certain distressed farm loan borrowers that was provided through Section 22006 of the Inflation Reduction Act.
Read moreThe Ray Anderson Community Correction Center will host their Unity Day this Thursday starting at 7:30 a.m. The field day games will take place from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. They will break from noon to 1 p.m. and travel to one of the parks to have a competitive sports game between the staff and the residents.
Read moreThe Brownfield school district performed its yearly evacuation drill Friday at the Elementary and High School. The students were in a lockdown to start the drill and classrooms were cleared by an officer or staff one by one before being cleared to proceed toward the buses. The process was swift and quick. Students loaded buses class by class before taking off to the reunification spot. First responders came to the school and carried out their duties. The entire process was carried out using the “Raptor” app by Raptor Technologies. According to, the app allows the user to customize Raptor to their emergency protocols to ensure everyone stays aligned, integrates directly with 911 and provides enriched data to first responders, keeps track of where students, staff, and visitors are and their status.
Read moreBrownfield Funeral Home was recently awarded the 2023 National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) Pursuit of Excellence Award at the International Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. This prestigious award was given to only 92 funeral homes throughout the United States, and 6 in the State of Texas, which demonstrated the highest ethical and professional standards while providing quality service to their families and community.
Read moreThe Brownfield High School marching band traveled to Lubbock over the weekend to perform at the UIL Region 16 Marching Contest at Lowery Field. The contest consisted of over 45 bands of schools from 2A all the way to 6A. The Brownfield High School band received a 3,2,3 rating from the three judges. 3 is deemed a good score and 2 is deemed an excellent score.
Read moreGov. Greg Abbott, just hours after the Senate initially approved a school voucher measure, said he would add teacher raises and increased public school funding to the ongoing special session agenda if the Texas Legislature passes his voucher plan, the Texas Tribune reported.
Read moreWe become what we believe about ourselves-- not what others say, or even what God says, but what we say and believe about the person reflected in our mirror.
Read moreBrownfield Funeral Home was recently awarded the 2023 National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) Pursuit of Excellence Award at the International Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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