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Capital Highlights Week of June 20 - 24

Comptroller releases broadband plan

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Doreatha Dean Key

Doreatha Dean Key, 81, also known as “Granny” to her loved ones, passed away Wednesday May 18, 2022 at home in Brownfield, Tx surrounded by family. She left this earth to walk in the Heavenly Garden exactly 14 years to the day after her beloved Sammy passed.

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Gas prices affect all drivers

Gas prices continue to skyrocket, sabotaging people's summer plans, and even impacting certain jobs. For example, delivery drivers are feeling entirely forgotten. A pizza delivery driver at Dominos, Katy, told the Brownfield News she only makes six dollars an hour when driving and sometimes people don’t tip. She explained that she drives an astonishing amount, “since the last year I’ve worked here I’ve put 25,000 miles on my car.” She continued to explain, “the other day I drove three hours on just one trip.” She added that now she gets her oil changed once a month. With the added expenses of high gas prices, oil changes, and wear and tear on her vehicle she said she has been contemplating quitting. She said that she is in a pizza delivery driver Facebook group page and other drivers were receiving a two dollar raise. She said that she had not received a raise or any indication that she might receive a raise soon. She said, “they just try to appease us with gatorades and monster drinks.” She explained she doesn’t even drink energy drinks.

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City Council discuss financial reports

Brownfield is financially thriving, according to City Manager Jeff Davis’s latest financial reports at this past week’s City Council meeting. “I’m going to tell y’all right now we have more money in the bank than we’ve had in years… Everything is doing good,” City Manager Jeff Davis said in regards to the monthly financial and investment reports.

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A two vehicle

A two vehicle accident had residential traffic detoured for an hour on Wednesday. Homeowners on the corner of Reppto and Cedar were alerted of the two vehicle wreck, involving a 2017 Ram 1500 and a 2018 Chevy 1500, which had occurred right outside their window around 8pm. The accident resulted in minor injuries, with the driver of the 2017 Ram being issued a citation.

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BSCC continues serving meals to the community

Hunger, no matter the region of the world, can be a devastating problem. In Brownfield, an organization of committed local residents is working to provide meals and serve those in need. The director of the Brownfield Senior Citizen Center, Betty Charlebois told The Brownfield News, “everyday almost 100 meals are served” by the Brownfield Senior Center. She further explained, meals are delivered to homebound individuals, but anyone can arrive at the senior center and receive a meal. The meals are $4, but half of the meals served are given for free. Charlebois outlined the current situation. Once Meals On Wheels closed, the Senior Center took on their clients and started delivering meals. Charlebois said, “the Senior Center is its own entity.” She said that it provides services and meals separate from the City and County.

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