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The Annual 67th Farm Tour

is set for September 15, 2022. Doors will open at 8:15 a.m. Coffee and donuts will be available with registration. The Tour will start loading buses at the ARMORYaround 9:00 a.m. The West Texas Young Farmers Association will cater the meal, this year the Farm Tour will be serving steak and all the trimmings that go along with steaks.

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Catching Up

Dr. M. Ray Perryman | Published in syndication In a disappointing but not unexpected development, US standardized test scores are showing a notable ongoing learning loss. Results from the National Center for Education Statistics indicate that average scores for age nine students in 2022 fell significantly compared to 2020. The five-point drop in reading, from 220 to 215 on a scale of 500, was the largest average score decline since 1990. In math, scores fell for the first time ever – seven points (from 241 to 234).

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Capital Highlights Week of September 12 - 16

Poll: Most Texas teachers consider quitting

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City sprays for mosquitos

Bryan Moran The City of Brownfield joined with several other area cities in using arial spray to reduce the number of mosquitos. Vector Disease Control International used an insecticide called Perm-X UL 31-66 over the weekend to reach areas the truck- mounted sprayers were unable to reach.

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Look closely at Open Enrollment choices

Once again, it’s the season for football games and backto- school activities. And if you work for a medium-size or large employer, it will soon be open enrollment season – the time of year when you can review your employee benefits and make changes as needed. What areas should you focus on?

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USDA Updates Farm Loan Programs to Increase Equity

Modifying the existing three-year farming experience requirement for Direct Farm Ownership loans to include additional items as acceptable experience.

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My Turn:

By Peter J. Pitts

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