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Every Day Of The Year

I was born on February 13, 1969 — so if you do the math, this is the big 5-0, a birthday most would dread. I’ve chosen to embrace it. As

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Texas: Water Management – Integrating center pivot irrigation control tech

New center pivot irrigation technologies are only beneficial if they are being used, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Research engineer in Amarillo. Thomas Marek is leading a team from

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Texas cotton acres – Don’t expect a big increase

Planted cotton acres are expected to be flat or up slightly as the growing season nears, said a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert. Dr. Gaylon Morgan, AgriLife Extension statewide

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Terry County FSA news......

Terry County has triggered for 2018 LFP-(Livestock Forage Disaster Program)- for Non-irrigated crops which includes Small Grain- (oats, rye, wheat, triticale for grazing & grain/grazing intended uses), native pasture for

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A recent headline on the front page of this newspaper proclaimed “Forever a Cub!” and it was a sentiment that I and thousands of others share. I am a Brownfield

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Governor gives lawmakers list of emergency items to tackle

AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott named as his emergency priorities education reform, teacher pay, school safety, property tax reform, mental health services and disaster response in his Feb. 5 “State

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The Houston Chronicle on vaccinations... Texans can’t afford to ignore the warning signs of a public health calamity that doesn’t have to happen. We should all be alarmed that five

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