Recently, Judge J.D. Wagner announced his intention to run for re-election. During his interview with the Brownfield News, discussed running for re-election and how he wanted to offer his experience in helping balance the budget for the county. In the interview, he said the Brownfield Senior Center receives all of its funding from the county. Wagner misspoke, the County’s contribution accounts for 25 percent of the annual budget. The City of Brownfield contributes $15,000 for utilities and he is not sure who else contributes to the Senior Center. Wagner does want to apologize for the misunderstanding and accepts that he does not always remember all the contributions made by the city or other donors to the organizations.
Read moreMayor Tom Hesse called the Brownfield City Council meeting to order on Thursday morning. The city council began the meeting with quarterly updates from Police Chief Tony Serbantez and the Brownfield code enforcement officer. From there they made a decision on three resolutions, an interlocal agreement, decided to extend the declaration of local disaster due to COVID, and went into an executive session in which they took no action upon returning.
Read moreTerry County Judge J.D. Wagner announced his intention to run for re-election in the next primary election, which is set for March 2022. Wagner has been the county judge since taking office in 2011.
Read moreEconomic activity related to the importation and exportation of agricultural products benefits consumers and helps stimulate both the Texas and U.S. economy, according to experts from the Department of Agricultural Economics in the Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Read moreEdwards Jones, located at 308 W. Main street held a ribbon cutting on Wednesday, August 4 to commemorate Mike Speed’s 26th year operating in Brownfield and welcoming a new partner, Marshall Martell.
Read moreCaryn Caballero celebrated the opening of her Airbnb, Dragon Fly Gateway, along with members of the Brownfield Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, August 5. This is the second Airbnb run by Caballero. Both locations are located in Brownfield.
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