USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) has implemented pre-authorized debit (PAD) for Farm Loan Program (FLP) borrowers. PAD is a voluntary and alternative method for making weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual payments on loans.
Read moreThe term “sodbusting” is used to identify the conversion of land from native vegetation to commodity crop production after December 23, 1985. As part of the conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985, if you’re proposing to produce agricultural commodities (crops that require annual tillage including one pass planting operations and sugar cane) on land that has been determined highly erodible and that has no crop history prior to December 23, 1985, that land must be farmed in accordance with a conservation plan or system that ensures no substantial increase in soil erosion.
Read moreACES- All classes at 7. You must call (806)632-4868 to reserve a craft class space.
Read moreAUSTIN – The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Inland Fisheries Division has selected 10 new projects to be supported by the Habitat and Angler Access Program (HAAP) for 2024-25. HAAP, which launched in June 2021, sponsored its first round of projects in 2022-23 and is primarily funded by the purchase of freshwater fishing licenses.
Read moreThe Meadow Broncos celebrated their homecoming on Friday night with Ciara Villapando crowned as the 2023 Homecoming Queen, and Brandon Saucedo the Homecoming King. The Broncos football team lost their match up to Claude 78-32.
Read moreRetired Teachers- October 3: 2:00 p.m. Senior Citizens Center: Program Eric McKnight and Judy Kennedy: Election and Legislative Updates.
Read moreAnother special session slated for October
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